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JoinAs the seasons change, time seems to shift. It's the perfect time to reinvent. One of the great things CoveyClub is able to provide is a warm virtual hug – a gathering of like-minded women who are committed to self-growth and exploration. These are Covey PODs. Covey PODs are the way to get to know members from across the country (and even around the world) who share your particular interests or goals in a more intimate setting. How do Covey PODs work? Three times each year we will post a call for PODs. You will fill out your interests and we will match you with 4-7 other women who share your interests or goals. You will organize and meet for 12 weeks. Each POD is self-guided: we will send you a list of best practices to follow. Though we choose someone to get your POD off the ground for the first meeting, you will elect someone to chair the group, then find a time to meet weekly and set your agenda. Your group can be as buttoned-up or as unbuttoned as you want it to be.
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