Camp Reinvention - Start Living the Life You Imagine

January 24th 2020 12:00 am (EDT)

Camp Reinvention

Live the life you imagine - we'll show you how. Special Covey Member pricing until October 31st!

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Come With Us To Camp!

We Can't Wait To Meet You!

Dana Hilmer

Dana Hilmer is a certified coach, positive psychology consultant, speaker and trainer and is passionate about helping women live courageously so they can build their dream and love their life. Dana is no stranger to reinvention herself as mid-life is when she finally listened to her heart and stopped “shoulding all over herself” to do the work that she loves today. Dana has been featured on hundreds of radio and television shows across the country and she speaks on topics related to mastering your mindset, optimal living, the habits of success and creating the life and work you love. Dana lives in Madison, CT with her husband and their three teenage boys. To receive free tips and videos to help you create the life and work you love, go to

Wendy Perrotti

Wendy Perrotti is a Certified Professional Coach, speaker and leadership trainer with over 25 years of experience in helping individuals and groups nationwide to affect change in themselves and others. Wendy believes anything is possible when you know what you want and “you’re all in” and she navigated her own successful reinvention when she realized her vision of success had nothing to do with the company she spent years building. Wendy is a sought-after speaker and the author of the forthcoming book, Reclaiming Muchness: Tap in to a Life of Love, Purpose and Connection. To receive big doses of actionable inspiration, sign up for her Mindful Monday Newsletter at or check out her new podcast, A Glimpse Inside: Moving People from Stuck to Happy.

What is Camp Reinvention?

Camp Reinvention is a six-month transformational program that runs from January to June 2020 designed and conducted by master coaches Wendy Perrotti and Dana Hilmer. We will hold your hand (and kick your butt) until you grow into that next fabulous incarnation of yourself. And oh, yeah…we’ll have fun.

Phase 1

3-Day In-Person Immersion at the luxurious Mohonk Mountain House Resort and Spa in upstate New York - Jan. 24-26

You Will:

• Dial back to rediscover the truest most core version yourself (the one who sang R-E-S-P-E-C-T with the hairbrush microphone and believed she could do anything).

• Let go of all the dusty old resentments, dirty little excuses and nagging fears that prevent you from going all in and growing into the life you imagine.

• Unlearn the old rules that said that you needed to keep your nose to the grindstone in order to be successful. (You were already successful!) In fact, research says regular playtime makes it much easier to make those big goals happen..

P.S. You won’t be sleeping in a tent! Scroll down to read about the magnificent Mohonk Mountain House Resort and Spa.

• Take stock of where you are in your life right now - what you love about it, what you’re just tolerating, and what needs to get the heave-ho.

• Uncover all of those sparkly, brilliant, funky, wholly original parts of you. The ones that you’ve held back or simply forgotten.

• Dive into your full potential and create a vision for your life that is in true alignment with your values and what your heart is yearning for - now.

• Find out how to focus on turning your vision into reality.

• Create your own, very clear Reinvention Map to achieve your goal. This is not your average action plan. We promise a flexible, evolving-with-you, highly personalized tool that will take you step-by-step to any and every goal we set together.

• Reveal (and prepare to conquer) the obstacles, detours, and wild beasts that may appear along the way and chase you from your path.

Phase 2

Six Months Group Coaching - Jan 1 - Jun 30

Here is what separates the dreamers from the do-ers. Here’s where we do the hard work of making new habits stick - for a lifetime. Here’s where we turn change into actual growth.

Growth Requires Nurturing

Together we will:
• Meet 2x month for 90 minutes over a FaceTime-like app called Zoom. (You can join from anywhere in the world!)

• Keep you focused and clear on exactly what you need to be doing to turn your vision into a lifestyle.

• Provide support to get you through the inevitable bumps along the way.

• Provide rich, challenging discussions that will ensure you are continuously evolving into your full potential

To learn more about Camp Reinvention and get Covey Member pricing until October 31, 2019, click here!

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