4 Telltale Signs That It's Time to Embrace Reinvention * CoveyClub

May 10th 2023 2:00 pm (EDT)

4 Telltale Signs That It’s Time to Embrace Reinvention

We know how it goes. You’ve followed the expected path, rung the bells of success, but now you find yourself dissatisfied and unfulfilled. You want to take the leap and make a pivot, but feel paralyzed at the prospect. You have a vision for what you want and may get inspired to take a few steps forward, but then it feels too hard. So you fall back into the status quo and tell yourself, “Not now…later.” Change is difficult! Fortunately, CoveyClub is here to help. In this class with transition and leadership coach Anne Pillsbury you’ll learn the perspective-shifting tools that will help you increase your clarity and get into action NOW. She’ll help you identify your purpose, navigate self-doubt, and create an action plan to kickstart your reinvention.

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