(Replay) The Enneagram & Leadership: What’s Your Type?


Please note: this is a recording of our class with Kelli Thompson on February 1, 2023.

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Being an effective leader in today’s world requires the ability to connect with and inspire people to achieve great results despite disruption, distance, and different personalities. As you work to improve your leadership effectiveness, research shows that successful leaders are self-aware leaders. It might be tempting to use personality assessments like DISC, MBTI, StrengthsFinder, etc., to invite this self-awareness. However, these assessments miss a key ingredient – the why. The Enneagram is different. It is a map of nine personality types that inform you of why you think, feel and act the way you do. When you know the why behind how you, and your team, respond, communicate and act the way you do, you have the power to change behaviors and results. As a leader, it helps you understand the personalities and motivations on your team, improve communication, and resolve conflict. It boosts your effectiveness and emotional intelligence. As a leader, this self-knowledge is critical to helping you lead at the next level with more confidence. Join women’s leadership coach and speaker Kelli Thompson to find your Enneagram number so you can accelerate your development, your confidence and your results!

Our Guest Speaker: Kelli Thompson

Kelli Thompson is a women’s leadership coach and speaker who helps women advance to the rooms where decisions are made. She has coached and trained hundreds of women to trust themselves, lead with more confidence, and create a career they love. She is the founder of the Clarity & Confidence Women’s Leadership Program, and a Stevie Award winner for Women in Business—Coach of the Year. She is the author of Closing The Confidence Gap: Boost Your Peace, Your Potential & Your Paycheck, releasing November 1, 2022. Kelli holds an MBA, has served as an adjunct management professor, and has more than ten years of senior leadership experience in financial services and technology organizations. Her thought leadership has been featured in Forbes, MarketWatch, Parents Magazine, HuffPost, and Working Mother. Kelli is from Omaha, Nebraska, and her favorite roles are wife to Jason and mom to Hailey.

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