Partner – Merrill Lynch
We thank The LaGratta Mannix Group for being CoveyClub's first sponsor!
How do you go from music mogul to fashion star? Jennifer Bandier revealed her hilarious and inspiring secrets to reinvention at the first CoveyClub event at their 5th Avenue shop where Clubbers got to do yoga and shop the fabulous Bandier exercise clothes for 15% off! All was sponsored by the LaGratta Mannix Group at Merrill Lynch.
CoveyClub/Bandier program sponsored by Merrill Lynch;
Lesley Jane Seymour interviews Bandier Chief Merchant, Jayne Harkness, Founder, Jennifer Bandier, and Public Relations Director, Ashleigh Hults
Ashleigh Hults, Lesley Jane Seymour, Jennifer Bandier, Jayne Harkness
Lesley Jane Seymour with LinkedIn’s Blair Decembrele
Grace Lin, winner of the Merrill Lynch sponsored $150 raffle with Lesley Jane Seymour
Lesley Jane Seymour with Merrill Lynch’s Ann-Marie Biser of the LaGratta Mannix Group who pulled this event together
Lesley Jane Seymour with speaker, coach, author, Robyn Hatcher