Countable: The Best Activism App For Busy People

Reading: Easy Way to Chanel Your Inner Activist

Parenting & Caregiving

Easy Way to Chanel Your Inner Activist

Countable is the app that tracks legislation affecting you

By Lesley Jane Seymour

You’ve got yoga. The kids. The garden (which is being suffocated by some kind of kudzu). A dog with indigestion. And now you have to keep up with what those pesky members of congress (MOCs) are up to, as well? What’s a responsible, intelligent, but over-programmed woman supposed to do? Download the app called Countable. We like Countable because it gives us news like “What the 115th Congress Has Done So far” and alerts about pending bills: “Should the Internet Requirement for Child Pornography Crimes be Eliminated? House Bill 1761.” Click on the headline and you get a one-paragraph summary of the bill, a look at the bill’s progress (from in DEBATE to PASSED or tabled) and a list of who voted and how. Countable will alert you when your MOC votes on a bill.

Best of all, Countable offers up logical reasons behind both the positive or negative vote for each bill (the reasoning is not always what you’d expect), plus your own opportunity to vote “Yea” or “Nay.” Post your opinion to the in-app debate, then click the phone icon at the bottom to call your representative instantly (Countable gathers the right names and phone numbers for you). As we’ve all learned, democracy is a participation sport. With Countable, you can do your part–all before carpool.

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