Paint by App * CoveyClub

Reading: Paint by App

Gift Guides

Paint by App

The painting app we’re going crazy for

By Lesley Jane Seymour

Was the last artistic thing you mastered a ceramic spoon-rest in kindergarten? Um, us too. Luckily with Waterlogue by Tinrocket, LLC ($3.99) you can summon your inner Cézanne with the tap of an app. Transform any photo you take (or have sitting in your photo cache) into a gorgeous watercolor painting—instantly. There are sepia settings for an antique effect; you can even turn your work into a spare, sketch-like outline. Even though Waterlogue was picked by Apple for inclusion in the App Store Best of 2014, most of our CoveyClub buddies missed the release. Everyone we showed the app to spent hours transforming their photos into gorgeous paintings for screen savers and cards. Now just think of all the time you’ll save by crossing “learn how to paint” off your bucket list!

  1. Christine Kmieczak

    Really enjoyed this. Simple, easy, doable and makes me feel like I’m hanging out with one of my friends who is up on all the latest new trends and hot spots.

  2. janet ratty

    Ahhh, so refreshing to read smart, relevant articles again! Just like rekindling an old friendship, thanks Leslie for getting us up and running again – I turn 60 this November, have 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren, and really appreciate the encouragement to do some things for ME sometimes! It’s a great time of life and we need to be reminded that there is a lot still to come 🙂 Going to go book a massage now – have had the gift card since Christmas!

    • lesley

      Yes. This is all for you. Again. We give up everything for “others.” I hope that CoveyClub will be that time for us again.

  3. Liz Merrill

    I lost my husband 2 and a half years ago tragically.
    Changed my 3 adult children and mine forever!! Now I’m into self preservation mode.. Pilates, painting lessons, Bermuda in Aug
    Dinner with great friends.. Thank you for Covey Club …It’s exactly what I need,as my last daughter goes off to college in August 🏔

    • lesley

      Thanks Liz. Hope you find some inspiration here though we think you might be the inspiration for all of us!

  4. Barb kelly

    Love Covey Club. Retired in April for five minutes and now working part time doing what I love. CC speaks to me with intelligence and relevance. Thanks for the respect and humor. We are amazing!

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