Reinventing to Fill An Empty Nest * CoveyClub

Reading: Reinventing to Fill An Empty Nest

Empty Nesters

Reinventing to Fill An Empty Nest


Covey Editors

Jeannie Ralston was a successful magazine and newspaper writer whose photographer husband had wanderlust—which led them to uproot and home-school their kids around the world, from South America to Mexico. She went on to write a memoir about the successful lavender farm she ran outside of Austin, TX. Then, when her last child left home Jeannie launched, a virtual and IRL space for women 45+ to connect and create new friendships.

Jeannie’s Top Tips for Reinvention

1. Bloom where you’re planted.
At some point you might find yourself somewhere unexpected. Instead of thinking ‘this is so awful, how did I get here?’ think, ‘wait, what is there here for me that I can do or learn from?’ Just make if your own. It’s like changing your whole mindset, and it’s the best thing you can do.

2. Don’t self-exclude.
Never tell yourself, “Oh I can’t do that. I’m not right for that, I won’t even try.” If I had listened to my doubts when I was started NextTribe, I would’ve self-excluded, deciding that I was not qualified enough, and missed out.

3. Surround yourself with like-minded friends.
Find people who can bolster you and are on a similar journey. I think being with people who have ideas and want to help and understand what you are trying to do is really key. It’s more helpful than just going to another networking event.  

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  1. G. TESS G

    It’s great to find public media a dressing the new journey of aging styles! I’m a long haired silver lady still working passionately at 66.5 as RN and volunteering with Animal shelter, as a disaster VOAD RN And vol. Cciitzdd ranger in my county in Colorado. Healthy, trim and embracing the journey as a once in a lifetime opportunity to gather insights like daisies.

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