Stay Real with Yourself to Find Your Reinvention
Tashyra Ayers
She was a single mom at 14 and became the caregiver to her younger brother shortly after that when her mother passed away. Yet Tashyra Ayers managed to create a career in the health care industry and start in a radio show on the side.
At 38, she is about to be an empty nester (Davon is finishing college) and so will be reinventing again. Listen in on this incredibly honest discussion with an amazing lifelong learner who says “Reinvention takes shape over a period of time at different points in our lives.” When times are tough, sometimes you have to go through “subconscious surviving” to get to the other side. Says Tashyra: “You can’t evolve if you’re not real with yourself.”
Tashyra’s Top Tip for Reinvention:
Spend time with yourself.
Take a moment and stop. Sit still, sit down, get into a quiet place, pullout a journal or blank notebook of paper and just write. Really feel where you are and don’t be afraid of yourself in that moment. Because I think in order to reinvent, we have to understand where we are, and to be real with ourselves. What I found was that all along, there were thoughts that I was having that I put away because there was so much other stuff going on. So you’re tapping into an internal source that allows you to execute an external plan.
After Parenting: Who am I? (TheCovey, Mar. 2019 Issue)
Reinventing to Find Happiness with Gretchen Rubin
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