#137: Elizabeth Macbride (Finding A Lucrative Hole In The Dying Journalism Market)
July 2 2021
“I’m a classic case of reinvention in the middle of life,” says Elizabeth MacBride, founder of the Times of Entrepreneurship (https://timesofe.com/), a website that reports on entrepreneurship, and co-author with Seth Levine of the new book, “The New Builders: Face to Face with the True Future of Business” (https://amzn.to/3g50weh). “Seven years ago I went through a divorce that left me without a job….I had seven thousand dollars in my bank account. The mortgage was $2500 dollars and my only career was as a part-time writer.” MacBride, however, noticed a hole in the market at the intersection of finance and entrepreneurship and wondered why no journalist was covering it. “[The website] worked because it’s business and finance,” she says. “It was the only area that paid writers at all….I was willing to combine the storytelling with finance.” MacBride speaks with CoveyClub founder, Lesley Jane Seymour, about how to ask for employment help from friends and associates and how to really know your value.