#60: From Music Industry Artist To Cannabis Entrepreneur (Aliza Sherman)
July 19 2019
“We have a lot to learn — especially about educating women about cannabinoids and how to access the medicine,” says Aliza Sherman, founder of Ellementa.com, a site that offers women education about the health and wellness benefits of cannabis — stories about cannabis as a sexual aid, reviews of edibles, or CBD bath salts. Sherman speaks with CoveyClub founder, Lesley Jane Seymour, about why the cannabis industry is a great place for female entrepreneur — it’s “like the internet in the ‘80s” — and points to sites such as Womengrow.com for job listings in the legal industry and Tokeativity.com for groups centered on careers and business. Sherman says she got into cannabis when trying to solve personal “pain and sleep” issues: “cannabis offers special help for women going through peri-menopause and menopause.”