#48: When Disruption Forces You to Reinvent (Bonnie Levison)
April 12 2019
Bonnie Levison was a tall, “very shy,” suburban mom. Then, after 18 years of marriage, her husband came home one day and said he wanted a divorce. After wallowing in self-pity, Levison sat down at the computer and asked herself what she really needed more of in her life. The answer: humor. She typed “comedy classes” into Google and launched a career of writing, producing, and performing stand-up comedy.
Levison started the Nantucket Comedy Festival (still going today) and now travels the world for The Moth, teaching veterans, the elderly, prisoners, public school students, and company executives how to tell their stories so they can connect better. Levison talks to CoveyClub founder, Lesley Jane Seymour, about her secrets to success. “In a world of perfection, lower your expectations. If you just try something, you’re a success,” she says. “It’s about the experience.”