#74: Reinventing How Marketers View You (Vaughan Emsley)
December 20 2019
“It’s not that marketers are stupid,” says Vaughan Emsley, founder of Flipside, a startup ad agency dedicated to flipping marketer’s perceptions of men and women 50+ away from images of people “sitting home watching daytime TV” to what he calls “The Second Coming of Age”—in which people 50-70 act and feel like they’re 17 again. “It’s just muscle memory. [We’re taught] that the rising generation is more interesting than the previous generation—and that was always true.” Emsley, a 25-year veteran of Saatchi & Saatchi, believes we’ve reached a “tipping point” where businesses are stalling by focusing only on millennials. “Boomers are sitting on 60 trillion of assets, 10 times the amount held by millennials… and only 5-7% of marketing dollars are directed at them.“