The Ultimate Guide to Reinventing Yourself as an Entrepreneur * CoveyClub

Reading: The Ultimate Guide to Reinventing Yourself as an Entrepreneur

The Ultimate Guide to Reinventing Yourself as an Entrepreneur

by the Covey



Why You Should Work for Free and Other Scale-Up Strategies for Your Small Business
with Alice Draper

In this class you’ll learn how to broaden your thinking and make constructive judgements based on your business and niche so you can take a leap of faith in the right direction.



Conquering Invisible: Branding and Storytelling to Help You Stand Out
with Greg Monaco

Branding expert and CoveyClub favorite Greg Monaco will reveal an easy-to-remember template that will help you become more memorable in the minds of your prospects.



How to Run a Successful Health Coaching Business
with Dr. Karen Wolfe

Dr. Karen Wolfe will give you the three tips you’ve never heard before and explain the biggest mistakes women make when starting their own health coaching business.



#1 Secret to Building Your Personal Brand

by Jennefer Witter

#1 Secret to Building Your Personal Brand

Take the steps everyone misses

When to Form an LLC: A Quick Checklist for First-Time Entrepreneurs

by Lisa Rabasca Roepe

When to Form an LLC: A Quick Checklist for First-Time Entrepreneurs

Three essential things to consider

5 Things All First-Time Entrepreneurs Must Do

by Dara Pettinelli

5 Things All First-Time Entrepreneurs Must Do

What you don't know will cost you

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90% of Entrepreneurs Fail: Why You Should Reinvent Through a Franchise
with Kim Daly

Listen in to discover the ways franchise business ownership can revolutionize your life and why it’s not just about flipping hamburgers anymore.


Personal Branding 101
with Joanne Tombrakos

The professor at NYU talks about how she has
reinvented herself several times and has created a free downloadable workbook.




Reinventing with a Weekend “Side Hustle”
with Gillian Garrett

She loved making organic body scrubs and selling them at local fairs. Then she got in front of the buyer from Whole Foods.


Can You Apply Big-Brand Concepts to Create Your Personal Brand?
with Patrick Hanlon

Yes, says Patrick Hanlon, CEO of Thinktopia.




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